SMB Roundtable SCORE Chair Michael Scotto 08/31 by VALCOR | Blog Talk Radio

SMB Roundtable SCORE Chair Michael Scotto 08/31 by VALCOR | Blog Talk Radio.

Do you have what it takes to be a SMB Owner? Learn about SCORE and how they can help for free.

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SMB Roundtable: Is OSHA Hurting Small Business 08/18 by VALCOR | Blog Talk Radio

SMB Roundtable: Is OSHA Hurting Small Business 08/18 by VALCOR | Blog Talk Radio.

Mike Rubell, MBA, President of theSaftey Compliance Instititute joinsValcor CEO David Sussman at the SMB Roundtable.

We will discuss how increased regulations, punitive fines and oversight by the Department of Labors OSHA is affecting small business. 

Mike Rubell is national authority in the field of occupational safety and health. As founder of the National Compliance Institute Mr. Rubell has implemented programs that have served thousands of companies nationwide. With numerous health and safety certifications, Mr. Rubell is a safety trainer for OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, an agency of the US government.

A distinguished national speaker and instructor at universities, the US Air Force and Department of Justice.

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SMB Roundtable Social Media Expert Lon Safko 08/10 by VALCOR

SMB Roundtable Social Media Expert Lon Safko 08/10 by VALCOR.

The SMB Roundtable welcomes best-selling Author Lon Safko, who fits the true definition of “Guru”.

Social Media is not a ‘fad’ or something “for the kids”. SMB owners who do not keep up will be left behind & will lose marketshare.

Lons’ latest best-selling book “The Social Media Bible,” unlocks the mysteries of Social Media for business (#1 on Amazons Business & Marketing list.)

Best selling Author, award winning Engineer, Inventor, Creator, and Entrepreneur, Lon’s inventions and work are featured in the Smithsonian. He designed the archetypes for Microsofts Operating Systems and Apples Newton.

Lon is a professional speaker in over 100 cities & privately coaches Fortune 1,000 companies on “Innovative Thinking and Social Media Strategies”.

Founder of 14 successful companies & recipient of many prestigious awards, including The Westinghouse Entrepreneur of the Year, Arizona Innovation Networks Network of the Year, twice nominated for Ernst & Youngs/Inc. Magazine Entrepreneur of the year.

Lon has been featured in Entrepreneur,PC Novice, Inc., & Popular Science just to name a few, & recently selected by the Smithsonian to represent “The American Inventor” at their annual conference.

Lon is also a professional blogger for FastCompany, the first Amassador for SCORE, and is on USATodays CEO Advisory Board.

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NFIBs Bill Dunkelberg joins David Sussman at the SMB Roundtable

Listen to internet radio with VALCOR on Blog Talk Radio
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Small Business Roundtable Laurence Isaac Balter 07/27 by VALCOR | Blog Talk Radio

Listen Live: 11:30 a.m. PDT, Wednesday July 27.

Small Business Roundtable Laurence Isaac Balter 07/27 by VALCOR | Blog Talk Radio.

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Your Summer “Economic-Crisis” Movie Guide

“In 2008, the fate of the world’s economy was decided in a matter of weeks”.

Too Big To Fail, HBO Films, 2011.

William Hurt as Hank Paulson

For anyone concerned about the economic thin-ice the U.S. and the global economy are on, you may enjoy the “trifecta” of films detailing the financial collapse in 2008, which lead to the deepest and most damaging recession since the 1930’s.

A year ago “House of Cards”, a CNBC documentary focused on the residential sub-prime mortgage debacle, backed by Wall Street with the full and implicit approval of congress.

What lead up to the financial crisis.

It details the repeal of the very protections that the U.S. economy had enjoyed for 70 years: And how it led to the collapse. In 1999 the very powerful financial services lobby headed by Robert Rubin (Citigroup and Clinton Economic Advisor) pushed congress to pass the Banking Reform Act of 1999 which repealed the Glass-Steagall Act (or the lynchpin of the Banking Reform Act of 1933).

Commercial Banks (community banks that offer mortgages and business loans) and Investment Banks (Goldman Sachs, Bear Stearns, Lehman Bros.) were now able to invest in each other which lead to establishing funds which bought Collateralized Mortgage Obligations, of course considered safe due to the un-Newtonian expectation that Real Estate would always continue to appreciate. It goes on to detail how the greed from Wall Street helped mortgage companies innovate highly risky mortgage vehicles, and along with a good dose of social engineering (“every person has the right to own a home”), Wall Street sowed its own demise.

Inside Job now on YouTube

A highly effective documentary narrated by Matt Damon features interviews with dozens of politicians, members of the U.S. Treasury, the Federal Reserve, International and U.S. Banks, the I.M.F., University Professors, and many others.  Many of these people had a direct impact on the collapse.The most common reaction to this film is incredulity, anger, resentment and passionate debate, no matter what your political stripes. One thing all sides do agree on was the lack of control by all parties and a total disregard for the warning signs, most likely due to political expediency and greed.


HBO’s telling of Andrew Sorkin’s 600 page book provides a highly compelling, concise even-handed story featuring a star-studded presentation. If there is an antagonist in the story, it is Lehman Bros. CEO, Richard Fuld (James Woods). However, the real antagonist is the system and how close it came to complete collapse.

“If they don’t stop this crisis, soon there will be no milk on the shelves”.

The story concludes mentioning the after-effects (in which we are all very much living) and creates a tremendous sense of foreboding, as the decisions made in this crisis created something much larger and more dangerous than existed before the crisis: Larger banks that are too big to save. In this age of austerity measures causing widespread riots in Europe, the question in every viewers mind is “what would happen if there’s a systemic bank run, and how safe are we… really?”.

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June 19, 2011:

First the Reality: (and it’s not pretty).

It seems the news about the economy is going from bad to worse. We all have seen the statistics, as well as individually felt the pain:

  • The “Misery Index”, a barometer measuring unemployment combined with inflation is at the worst level in 28 years.

The reality is this economy has lead small business owners to have a very pessimistic view of their future! NFIB Research Foundation June Report (See Video and charts here).



At Valcor, while we are working directly with Business Owners and their companies, we are aware that we are also dealing with PEOPLE. Business owners are living, breathing human beings with families, homes, overheads and all the worry and stress that are normal with with such responsibilities. In addition, they worry about their employees, and in many cases, feel responsible for them.


One of the first things we do when we meet a business client is to determine how THEY are, not just as business, but as a person. Of course we are business Consultants, hired to do a restructuring in an effort to SAVE their business. But it goes deeper. We are aware that we are dealing with a human being that is also experiencing a massive number of stressors, in some cases, at the highest level ever experienced. We know that as humans, we all react differently. Our childhood environments and upbringings have all taught us different survival modes, and some unfortunately are not so healthy.

By LISTENING and BEING A SHOULDER TO LEAN ON, this allows a real rapport to be established. We then can focus on SOLUTIONS to our clients’ business problems, using the VALCOR SYSTEM for Business Restructuring, Mediation and Capital Acquisition.

Our goal is to provide alternatives to the results of their problem, which could potentially include bankruptcy, litigation, or even the closure of a business.

The good news is that our Licensees are reporting more successful resolutions to cases each day and the substantive fees that are earned.

With today’s economy, there are more cases today than anytime in the past 20 years –


Taking action is critical. Many clients are frozen by fear and an overwhelming sense of worry. We initiate the communication with our clients banks, business creditors and law firms. By following our proven, step by step system, we enable a resolution to take effect, which ultimately results in both sides moving forward in a business relationship, and our client can GET BACK TO THEIR BUSINESS.

In the sea of negative news, at Valcor, our network of certified Licensees are a port in a storm.

If your business needs help during this tumultuous time, contact Valcor today and a local Licensee can help you determine if we are able to assist you. The process is quick and our qualification systems are effective.

And as always, No Success/No Fee!

Taking action is a choice – The number one reason a business fails is that a business owner ignores the problem until it become to big, and then it may be too late.

Valcor: Saving Businesses since 1994. 


MARKETS AVAILABLE. Please contact Valcor today

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Hyperinflation Threat and Small Business

Businesses owners generally are not economists.  They are more worried about meeting payroll, taxes, insurance and growing their business.

Hyperinflation? Just a term for the “sky is falling crowd!”

There are those that believe hyperinflation is coming, each with their own series of facts and data to substantiate their positions.

According to a sobering report from the National Inflation Association, there are many reasons to be worried, and the news of potential imminent doom isn’t far flung into the future. “In our estimation, the most likely time frame for a full-fledged outbreak of hyperinflation is between the years 2013 and 2015”. (NIA, 3/26/11)

With the sheer amount of money being printed and flooding the economy (see chart below from the Fed Reserve Bank of St. Louis), the decreasing value of the U.S. Dollar will start to show its effect in commodity pricing which will have a detrimental effect on families and those living on fixed incomes.

According to the New York Times, April 11, 2011, economists are still trying to determine the longer-term economic impact of higher prices, including the current gasoline pricing.

“Once we cross the $4 threshold, the pain will become more palpable, and it is going to show up more noticeably in the reduction in future consumer spending,” said Bernard Baumohl, the chief global economist for the Economic Outlook Group. He predicted that “spending on discretionary goods will be diminishing as the price of gasoline keeps moving higher.”

What the article is discussing is the beginning stages of a slowdown in spending. Discretionary income is what people have to spend on food, products and fuel. When they simply cannot afford to fill their tank or buy food, people’s lifestyles are affected.

In his controversial blog The Truth About Hyperinflation, Cullen Roche (who does not believe hyperinflation is coming) explains:

“Contrary to popular opinion, deficit spending and high government debt levels are not the actual cause of a hyperinflation.  In most cases they have been the result of other exogenous events such as ceding of monetary sovereignty, war, rampant corruption or regime change.  It is these exogenous events that result in the public’s rejection of the currency, a collapse in the tax system and the government response of printing more money to fill in the confidence void.  Ultimately the confidence void cannot be filled and the currency is fully rejected by the public in the form of hyperinflation.”

Hyperinflation Defined

Hyperinflation occurs when a currency rapidly drops in value. Gradual inflation is normal and in fact welcome by investors and speculators. Hyperinflation is the devaluing of a sovereign currency which leads to prices spiraling out of control. Hyperinflation has happened many times in history. Commonly cited examples are the pre-World War II German Weimar Republic and Zimbabwe.

There are those that believe the economic laws are as real as the laws of gravity; specifically, when governments print more money that the economy can absorb, prices of goods and services will increase dramatically.

As the value of the currency that is printed en large decreases in value, the inflation is evident and confidence in the currency collapses.  This can lead to a widespread destabilization of the economy and society.

Most recent example of hyperinflation according the Business Insider:

“Zimbabwe’s annual inflation rate stood at 516 quintillion percent, according to The Telegraph. At one point the bank printed Zimbabwean dollars with a 100 trillion denomination so shoppers didn’t have to lug around sacks of cash.

Why: The nation’s inflation rate spiral went out of control because of President Mugabe’s which involved unmitigated government spending financed by theReserve Bank of Zimbabwe.  Mugabe in turn blamed US and EU sanctions for the country’s economic chaos.

How it ended: In 2009 the government abandoned Zimbabwean dollars that had essentially become junk currency and allowed the use of the South African rand and the US dollar.”


As demonstrated in this article, there are respected people who believe the U.S., which is continuing their Quantitative Easing programs (the flooding of financial institutions with printed cash buying up bonds and other financial instruments) and easy monetary policies, is barreling toward the inevitably of hyperinflation.

Others say no, the Fed, following current political decisions based on Keynesian theories on the economy, will resolve the threat.

The danger however is the rush up in commodity prices, such as gold and other precious metals. While people are already feeling the pinch of $4 gas prices, the reports of potential $5 a gallon prices should be concerning. This wil undoubtedly cause a slowdown in consumer and business spending, while product prices will soar. The cost of transportation, which is built in to all products, is already at the breaking point.

The potential of hyperinflation is very real and business owners should be aware, at the very least, of the threat.

Who’s right? Let’s hope the answers are not found in history books costing thousands of dollars.

(A terrific read on this is an interview with Marc Faber on the Federal Reserve and Hyperinflation.)

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An Unrecoverable Recovery?

Official portrait of Federal Reserve Chairman ...

Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve Chairman

The Schizophrenic news reports of the economy are starting to make us “Lay Economists” realize what we all believed all along is actually fact: The mainstream media and Gov’t officials are actually quite clueless to what Small Business Owners are really facing. Business owners are dealing with continued stagnation while decreasing cash flow and limited credit sources.

We are usually able to decipher a real story through the “political lenses” now commonplace from most news outlets.

This is nothing new… For example, you may recall the news leading up to the 2004 U.S. Presidential election (Bush/Kerry) with reports stating that the (increasing) employment numbers (Unemployment was at 5.4%) in the jobs reports were being called“the worst economy since Herbert Hoover” (the U.S. President during the ‘Great Depression‘).

The Mainstream Media (MSM) all seemed to delightfully run with this story, although they would say “we are just reporting the news”.

What are they reporting now?

Now, during what is evidently clear to most non-partisans, we ARE in the worst economy since the Hoover Administration, and in fact, some would say things are even worse. However what IS being reported is that we are apparently actually in a recovery!

According to the Fed, we are experiencing growth, low inflation and improving job numbers. (Has anyone at the Federal Reserve filled their own gas tank lately, or bought a gallon of milk?… Gas and Food, the 2 biggest expenses, are not included in inflation statistics!)

Why do I use the term Schizophrenic? Well, it’s been several years since I relied solely on the MSM for my daily intake of news. According to recent polls, I am not alone. However, I would want to think that at least the Federal Reserve would be reliable.

Unfortunately, the Federal Reserve, lead by the bullish Ben Bernanke have members who seem to have different opinions as to what is really happening in the largest economy in the world – in some cases 180 degrees different.

The Truth Leaking From the Fed

This week a sobering report by Richard Fisher, President of the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank, painted a bleak and concerning picture regarding the potentially imminent “insolvency of the United States of America“. This is not a “doom and gloom” type report, the likes we see from Faber and Roubini, both who are well respected in their own right. This is a report by a Federal Reserve Official!

We do not claim to know all aspects of the U.S. economy. There are certainly some sectors that are seeing some incremental level of improvement.

Yes, the largest corporations and banks, many of whom benefited from the bail outs are now showing profits, dividends are up and shareholders are pleased, as it evident in the broader stock market.

Factory orders have been slowly increasing (although todays report shows otherwise). Unemployment is arguably improving. This isn’t simply due to people getting jobs, but also related to peoples benefits expiring and people having given up looking. Even with these numbers decreasing, the U-6 True UE# still sits above 16%.

You recall the saying “every dead cat bounces”? The sheer amount of capital invested into the economy through TARPthe StimulusQuantitative Easing I and II had to have even a minimal effect, which is all it appears to be – Minimal.

The Current Crisis

In the meantime, the U.S. National Debt has exploded to over $14 TRILLION (almost $5 Trillion in the last 2 years alone) which equals the entire U.S Economy! This is causing concern with the U.S. Credit Rating. Any downgrade of the U.S. Credit Rating will cause interest rates to skyrocket causing an already slow economy to virtually come to a standstill.

Meanwhile, small business owners do not have the luxury of bail-outs, tax payer subsidies, or the whims of the politicians ‘ear-marking”. They are only as strong as their balance sheet and cash flow and with business loans harder to qualify, business owners no longer can rely on ‘back up’ lines of credit.

We applaud efforts to initiate lending through the SBA, although the promised $30 Billion has yet increase levels of lending. Many businesses have had their corporate credit lowered due to their challenges and slowdown in receivables, and therefore are unable to even qualify.

From our perspective as small business consultants, we are seeing nothing less than catastrophic results on the street. Many business owners are trying to find a way, anyway, to stay solvent and meet their obligations to creditors.

The livelihood of their employees depend on it. Unfortunately, as commercial and residential loans continue to default, banks are continuing to close their doors and remaining banks remain skittish and unable to lend.

Our network of Licenses all seem to agree, what is actually happening on the ground is the true representation of the economy. After all, over 80% of jobs are relying on small business, to stay solvent. At this time, with receivables still slow, lending all but non-existent, and  companies still sitting on trillions in cash yet scared to spend, small businesses are not feeling the benefits of the attempts at recovery.

Small business owners may have to continue hunkering down for some time.

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The Tale of Two Economy’s

The Tale of Two Economy’s

While larger businesses are starting to recover, the small business is still under tremendous pressure.
Valcor Business Mediation and Restructuring


PRLog (Press Release) – Jan 10, 2011 – As we enter 2011, we are seeing an unprecedented and ominous pattern, in relation to business: “The tale of two economy’s”, where there are two separate trends occurring. 

1. Larger Companies are seeing a slow, yet upward ‘recovery’. Some factory orders are up from their all time lows, and there is a small increase in the consumer confidence index. Larger companies have increased profits by slashing costs and shareholders are seeing the benefits, as demonstrated in stock prices increasing.

2. Small businesses, however, are not enjoying the same indicators as their larger counterparts. The number of small business that either closed their doors or declared bankruptcy in 2010 hit a recent record – the many business owners who “survived” 2010 are now looking for any signs of increased business. Meanwhile, they have copied the same tactics as the larger companies, thereby cutting overhead and payroll.

Due to the economy, at Valcor, our business has never been in more demand. Working with small business owners we are hearing concerns across the board, from lack of slowdown in receivables, lack of financing options as well as the increased cost of goods and services.

Our goal is to help the business owner through the process by providing solutions: Business Debt Mediation. We take the pressure off our client’s business and work with their creditors to resolve the problem, outside of court and the costly litigation. In many cases, we are able to secure financing that will ensure continuous working capital.

Capital Acquisition sources are available through Valcor’s Licensee Training Program. Qualified clients can have access to multiple lending sources ranging from leasing, factoring, loans and financing vehicles. In many cases, Valcor’s clients were unable to secure financing on their own through traditional methods. Now, they have options, through a certified Business Mediation Consultant.

Due to the local business climate, Valcor is now seeking a Qualified Licensees who are looking to start up their own full service financial consulting business.

Valcor’s CEO, David H. Sussman stated in his interview on Money Matters “The small business owner is under siege. They have reduced expenses, laid off employees and tried to work with their Vendors to prevent litigation. Now, with no cash flow, they are finding their backs against the wall. These are good people who have started, grown and reinvested in a business.”

“It is an emotional and highly stressful time. We take our roll very seriously in helping these businesses get through this challenging. The result is that the business stays solvent, is able to continue working with their vendor or bank and in most cases, have not had to lay off their employees. It is undoubtedly rewarding and gratifying.” 

For details on the unique and highly regarded Valcor Programs, please contact Valcor today.

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